Wednesday 18 March 2015

Jadi lelaki "LEMBUT" akibat minum soya

Banyak je timbul isu bila pihak SHAKLEE mengumumkan promo bulanan.Ada je yang tak kena kan?Pelik la manusia ni,sengaja nak cari kesalahan orang lain tanpa sebarang bukti yang kukuh.Jangan main-main untuk sebarkan sesuatu yang tidak betul ye nantikan disaman oleh pihak shaklee baru korang tau.hehe..

Ok,berbalik pada promo bulanan tadi, as all knows kan bulan ni seluruh rakyat Malaysia boleh mandi-manda dengan ESP.Tahu ke ESP tu short form untuk apa? Mai Biha habaq kat korang,ESP tu short form untuk Energizing Soy Protein yang memang menjadi hot selling item shaklee.Sebab itula Shaklee offer promo ESP sebabnya nak semua orang rasai kehebatan ESP tu sendiri.Tak nak cakap banyak, dengan Promo offer ni memang bertuah betul customer sebab harga jauh lebih rendah dari asal (Harga asal :RM150), of course lah time offer ni harga bukan RM150 kan..The answer is below RM150.Kalau nak tahu,cepat-cepat hubungi Biha.

Bila dah tahu je promo bulanan shaklee ESP (untuk bulan Mac ni),tersangat ramailah "keyboard" worriors yang menjadi saintis dengan mengatakan soya itu bahaya,soya itu boleh menukarkan sesorang yang maskulin kepada lelaki lembut (pondan).Itu semua tuduhan tanpa fakta yang jelas.Buat ibu-ibu diluar sana yang berniat untuk bagi anak anda minum ESP,jangan risau ESP shaklee ni selamat .Anak korang tak akan bertukar "jantina" pun.See....

Rata-rata ada para ibu yang confuse atau curious betul atau tidak soy foods ni bole effect pada anak/bayi mereka. Ada jugak yang kata soy protin (or any soy foods) ni boleh ubah hormon anak especially anak lelaki.. takut jadik lembut lak.. so yang ni saya extract dari website Shaklee yang proven with CLINICALLY STUDIES.

Childhood Development
Asian women have been consuming soyfoods for centuries without any apparent adverse effects in the offspring.  In pregnant women who consume soy, isoflavones are transferred to the fetus.

However, levels of the hormone estrogen are incredibly high compared to the small amounts of isoflavones in the womb or amniotic fluid. As a result, IT'S NOT LIKELY THAT ISOFLAVONES WOULD HAVE ANY TYPE OF ESTROGENICE EFFECT ON THE GROWING FETUS. Very little soy research has involved children or young people although several studies have found that adding soyfoods to the diet allows for normal growth and development.  

Two studies, one in teenage boys and another in children 5 to 12 years of age, found that isoflavones DID NOT EXERT ESTROGEN-LIKE EFFECTS OR PRODUCE ANY ABNORMALITIES. Also, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, soy infant formula leads to normal growth and development; furthermore, their position is that there is negligible (the safest possible rating) concern about thesafety of soy infant formula.  

Finally, one advantage of consuming soy early in life may be protection against breast cancer. Epidemiologic studies show that consuming approximately one serving of soy per day during childhood and/or adolescence REDUCES BREAST RISK CANCER later in life by as much as 50 PERCENT.

Mark Messina, PhD

Rabihah Muhamad
Shaklee ID [ No : 906559]
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